Here are the results from my covid-19 prediction, updated with the figures from 20th April 2020. I have been tracking the progress of the UK cases and comparing the numbers with a simple model. The model seems to have been doing rather well - well enough, that I thought I would post its forecast. I haven't posted the forecast for two days. Since then the number of deaths per day has dropped two days in a row. The model is forecasting a rapid drop in deaths right now, with that figure dropping below 100 in the next few days. However, we often see a drop in deaths on Sundays and Mondays, due to delays in reporting deaths over the weekend. These dips are often followed by a spike on Tuesday. In addition, the model is predicting an even faster drop than we have seen and is underpredicting the total deaths at the moment.. I hope the drop we have seen is real and continues in today's figures. Meanwhile, the model continues to do a good job with representing w...
Education, thought provocation and simulation during the covid-19 outbreak