Dyson's new CoVent ventilator system. Image courtesy of Dyson. Ventilators are devices that are part of intensive care unit beds. They push air in and out of a persons' lungs when they are unable to breathe for themselves. With Covid-19 attacking airways and lungs, they are a vital part of the battle to keep critically ill patients alive long enough to recover. When the UK government is warning about swamping the NHS, a large part of this is running out of ventilators. Before the Covid-19 pandemic, the UK had around 8000 ventilators. That is 6.6 per 100,000 people. If you have tried the simulator on this web page, this is the number used to asses if the virus has overwhelmed the health service. The reason why the UK changed it's strategy from a single moderate social distancing effort, to multiple lockdowns over the next 12-18 months is to avoid overwhelming ventilator capacity. New ventilator order The government has just placed a new order for 10,000 ventilator...
Education, thought provocation and simulation during the covid-19 outbreak